Full Title
Primus Medicus Adelheid lux Aurelia.
Pureblood Garlean.
5 fulms, 4.5 ilms.
115 ponze.

Materfamilias of the gens Aurelius.
Graduate of the Magitek Academy.
Chemist & Bioengineer.
Hyuran refugee from an Imperial Province.
Notable Visuals
Hair tends to be dyed black to avoid arousing undue suspicion.
Third eye is typically hidden by her fringe, circlets, or other headwear.
As a child born to the lesser nobility of Garlemald, Adelheid had an affluent upbringing. Her life remained this way - simple, comfortable, typical - for nearly two dozen years. Aptitude for all things biological presented itself in the growing Garlean as she aged, which inspired her to join the Magitek Academy.
The months following her graduation led her to take up the role of a researcher in service to the Empire. However, tragedy soon struck. An audit into her gens' finances revealed a pervasive history of aiding foreign powers against Garlemald's Hydaelyn-wide conquest; all but a few were put to the sword, slain for their treason.
At the age of 24, Adelheid rose to become the materfamilias of the gens Aurelius. Rather than take to the role, Adelheid hid away from the world and dove deep into her work; it was a futile attempt, allayed at every step by her gens' traitorous background and her own waning sanity.
With her inherited funds draining by the day, Adelheid grew an addiction to an opioid of her own making in order to cope - 'alacerine', a drug synthesised via aetherochemical means, which imparted symptoms of insomnia. Within its cruel grip, Adelheid sunk deeper. Her every day - and now night - was spent pursuing a vain attempt at redemption through study.
Finally, she had a breakthrough. Her private funding was dwindling, and her public funding was nonexistent - to bring her newfound theories into the realm of experimentation, Adelheid knew that she would need more 'subjects' than she could reasonably be allowed. So, to throw her fate to the wind, she left Garlemald.
Eorzea brought its own challenges, yet the weight of her Garlean heritage was easily brushed aside compared to the freedom of her novel anonymity. Assuming the role of 'Adie', a Hyuran refugee, Adelheid sought to open an apothecary as a front for her true plans. There, her accomplishments might one day be made - even if it was at the expense of unwitting savages...
Adelheid has authored several texts:
"On the Augmentation, Adaptation, and Manufacture of Life"
A dissertation regarding the Empire's modern approach toward altering forms of life, and how such technologies might be used in combination with Allagan aetherochemistry going forward.
"The Body, The Mind, The Soul: Malleability"
A thesis to which Adelheid is the sole author, this text posits a theoretical approach to affecting, altering, or reprogramming minds in a similar manner to how current methods affect the body. Underfunded as her research was, the resulting theory was largely ignored as it lacked sufficient evidence.
"The Fascism of Hierarchical Authorship"
One of Adelheid's more infamous works; 24 pages of incoherent drunken ramblings toward the nature of how credit is shared - unfairly - amongst teams of researchers. While since retracted, it significantly damaged her credibility within Garlemald.
For any and all .
Alchemical Adversary: A fellow procurer of potions? Perhaps the Alchemists' Guild has mentioned a new storefront registering with them, and you'd like to scope it out.
Aftermarket Ambrosia: Neatly written fliers? A friend-of-a-friend told you? She just looks like an alchemist? Either way, should you need cheap elixirs, Adelheid is your panacea!
Affluent Attire: Shrinking though her funds may be, Adelheid is still rather well-off. Her clothes are tailored and clean, and she's always wearing gloves. Why won't she take them off?
Use with caution or by request .
Alacerine Addlement: On occasion, she can be seen pallid and clammy - scratching at her arms and jumping at the slightest of movements. What could be wrong with her?
Artificial Augmentation: Academics that have read of Adelheid's attempted exploits might seek to assist her. Others might seek their own gains through her strange aetherochemistry.
Auxiliary Antagonist: While seldom capable of being the Big Bad alone, Adelheid would be a formidable assistant to an antagonist, or a minor evil of her own right!
Not to be used without permission !
Academy Acquaintance: Those few Garleans who managed to attend the gruelling Magitek Academy might recognise a certain peer, different though her hair colour is...
Active Agents: Were you one of the Frumentarii responsible for the execution of the majority of the Aurelii? A decade may have passed, yet the gens' inheritor remembers it all too well.
Amphetamine Addiction: Unbeknownst to Adelheid, others have acquired her failed drug, alacerine. The Frumentarii, the Alaudae - any of whom that require unnatural wakefulness.
Hello and thank you for taking a look at my card! I'm so sorry for all the awful alliteration. (hah)
Firstly, I'm in +10 AEST, so my active hours tend to differ from most. Please keep that in mind if you're looking for more than one-off sessions. I am also 18+ if it concerns you!
Adelheid is a character built for dark RP, so feel free to approach regarding more thematically evil topics. While she can be (manipulatively) flirty, she is not available for erotic content.
I am a lore-strict roleplayer. That said, while I will attempt (my very best!) to keep Adelheid's research and development as something comfortably fitting within established lore, I more than welcome any criticisms on that front.
Finally, I am really quite friendly OOC! Always up for a chat, so feel free to message.
Interested in other characters of mine? See below!
Cyne Geisli - Jaded Golmoran Exile
Qadanqai Qalli - Upbeat Steppe Hippie